I know many of you are thinking that I was nuts for leaving a job without securing a new one. For those who know me it was completely out of character for me. I'm the type of woman who always has a plan B, C, and D! I try to look at a situation from all angles while weighing out my options. What can I say I like to have all my bases covered. I must admit that this time I didn't and the results have been phenomenal.
How was I able to step out on unshakable faith? First of all I look at how far He has brought me and my daughter. His past performance is indicative of what He will do in the future. Second, I know what certain scriptures say about His plan for my life. Not only do I have them committed to memory but I have them written on my heart. If there is nothing else I believe in life the following I am sure of:
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells me If I trust in The Lord with with every fiber of my being and I take time to simply thank Him and give Him glory in everything I do He will lead me the right way.
Before I quit my job I told my best friend that I was tired of nursing (for multiple reasons) and felt as if God was calling me for something greater and different. I just didn't know what. I had been a nurse for 14 years. I never thought the day would come I would be wanting to leave it behind. How? When? There was so much uncertainty. I needed a Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm schedule, no holidays, no on-call responsibility, flexibility, and a salary that would meet my needs. I had a laundry list of "must haves" but that's the life of a single mom when you're a one woman band.
A few days after turning in my two weeks notice I filled out applications online. I submitted my résumé to various nursing jobs but I had absolutely no desire to really do any of them. One day I got a call from a recruiter. They received my résumé I submitted for the telephonic registered nurse position. The position I applied for was not what I wanted but it was what I needed. I really couldn't see myself nursing over the phone in a cubicle at a call center. I really like interacting with people in person. Out of all the applications I put in this company was interested. I went to the interview and something amazing happened. The offered me a position that best suited my personality and work style.
The entire summer went by before I could start my new career. I picked up what shifts I could through a nursing agency so that I could have some income coming in. I pretty much took things day by day. I would be dishonest if I said I didn't get frustrated and discouraged but I just kept hold to the promises of God. It's pretty scary when you are the sole financial provider and you have little to no income.
A scripture I kept at the front of my mind was God will supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory (Philippians 4:19). When I recite a scripture I personalize it. I own it. I make it mine. It holds that much more weight to me. I do believe it makes God smile when we believe what He says and we trust Him. He likes to be taken at His word. He is not a man so He doesn't and He can't lie (Numbers 23:19)!
These past three months God did more than I could ever ask, think, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Not only did He meet my needs but I learned how to live on less. I've always wanted to do it but just never tried. Due to finances being tight I couldn't go all out for Sienna's birthday like I usually do. I YouTubed a recipe for a princess castle cake and made it myself with my BFF's help. It wasn't perfect but it was made with love and it tasted great. I wish I had a piece now.
My mom was able to make it to the party. This was extra special because she had never been to one of Sienna's parties before. Mom took her on a shopping spree for school clothes and my neighbor gave her more clothes than I have room for. Truthfully this is nowhere near all of the blessings that have come my way. I would be here all day telling you guys about them.
The time off this summer was not all about me and what I gained. I chose to use the time to start my blog as well as a support group for single moms. I have had the honor of collaborating with my big little brother, Jay Mayo of Right to R.E.A.L Love. He asked me to be a guest speaker on an upcoming podcast in September regarding forgiving a sibling who has betrayed you. I hope you all will listen. I will be posting the link soon so that if you don't or can't subscribe to the podcast you will have access to it.
The blessings of The Most High God are ours. All we have to do is agree and walk in to them. Open your hearts and your minds to the endless possibilities that come through God and have faith.
***Later this week Commandment #8 Thou Shall Teach The Word***