Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thou Shall Live An Authentic Life

I've never been one to participate on social media until recently. Though I'm an extrovert and will open up under the right settings and conditions I like to keep my life pretty private. If you have a child like mine all of that can go out of the window in one conversation. Commandment #9 Thou Shall Live Authentically will surely help you survive those moments.

Sienna is a happy go lucky child who loves to talk and share. Not only does she like to share what's going on in her world but she shares what's happening in mine. My little one never says anything inappropriate and she doesn't reveal deep family issues that she may be privy to. However, she doesn't hesitate to talk openly about the things she finds funny or interesting.

My latest encounter with my daughter "putting me on blast" was at her friend's birthday party. I walked her inside, introduced myself, and went back to my car for a webinar. While I was attending my meeting Sienna was being the life of the party. She had her audience captivated and I was about to have details of my life put on front street (Luke 12:3).

When I returned to the party I was greeted with, "Congratulations! We hear you're getting married." To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement. I was blown for a loop. I responded cheerfully, "I'm not getting married. I don't even have a man." One of the moms was quick to tell me that Sienna said that I told her I was waiting for God to send me a husband and that he was on his way. When I heard that I thanked God that I was no longer a person who lived a reckless life.

As the party continued another mom told me that they have learned so much about me through my child. Had someone said this to me 5 years ago I would've been worried. Change is possible! I'm doing what is right and no longer have anything to hide. I stopped acting a certain way around a group of people and then switched out when I was around another group. God's Word says in James 1:8 that a double minded individual is an unstable one...indeed I was.

We should always strive to set an example by doing good and to show integrity and seriousness in everything that we do (Titus 2:7) "Everything" includes what is done in private as well as public. Do I always get it right? Of course not. But I don't always get it wrong either. There are times I slip up and say a word or two that's not pleasing to God but my over all life style is Godly and full of integrity.

What are you teaching your child(ren) about living an authentic life? Do you tell them not to let visitors/callers know that you are home when you really are? What seems like little white lies lay the foundation of dishonesty in their lives. Do you put on fronts for the public when you're really a nightmare behind closed doors? When our kids see us acting this way it gives them the green light. Sometimes you can't blame a child who acts picture perfect around the house but gets wild when they're with their peers. They only mimic what they see.


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