Sunday, September 28, 2014

Kids Say The Darndest Things

The other day one of my twitter friends (I hate the term followers) tweeted that her son said she would be a better mom if she didn't make him read books. I responded with a tweet of how Sienna told me she wished she had a better mom. We both laughed at how kids think they know what constitutes a "good/better" mom.

I know my child sounded pretty ungrateful and bratty. Some of you are probably even wondering what my response was. Well, we were going through a critical point in our lives. Sienna was still reeling from the break up of her father and I. For her to say that it was truly out of character. So I was sure to give her some grace by saying, "I want you to have a better mom too. That's why I pray and ask God to help me everyday." I didn't say it in a harsh tone. I was quite calm because I was exhausted and didn't have the strength to fuss. Besides the Bible says a kind word turns away anger (Proverbs 15:1) This is true because the conversation did not go any further from there.

Has your child ever critiqued your parenting skills? Better yet has your child ever said something to you that made you question yourself as a mother. I must admit it hurt me to hear Sienna say that even though I know I am an awesome mom. I knew she was hurting deep inside and that was her way of expressing it. It was important for me to handle the situation with care. So I went to my bed and cried to God for his direction and comfort.

The next time you get down about your parenting decisions ask yourself: Do I look to the interest of what's best for my child? Is my child relatively happy and healthy for the most part? Are we growing as a family in Christ? If you have answered "yes" to these three questions then you can rest easy. Don't worry about the the decisions you have made that may not have panned out. Move forward and remember there is no condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).


  1. I think all kids go through the same, and at some point they would say something like that. Maybe it is the need of Independence when they get older? but they are still kids. I like the way you solved the situation and stayed calmed.

  2. You are right. Kids go through so many changes. I am thankful I handled the situation the way that I did. It was nothing but God. Thank you for your continued support.


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