Tuesday, February 3, 2015

When "No" Hurts

It's so hard to say "no". We've all heard this statement. Some of us may have even said it. Well you know what? I had my very first it hurt to say no experience the other day. I must admit that I am no fan of children's birthday parties that's why I rarely have them at my home. The shrill cries of joy and laughter, the sticky soda/juice spills, and kids running amuck are not my idea of a good time. I just don't have a high tolerance for commotion so anytime my child misses a birthday party I breathe a sigh a relief because my nerves are spared yet again. Except this time was different.

One of Sienna's best friends was having a party. She was so excited to the point she had it written on a calendar. You see my child is the complete opposite of me. She loves a good party. The more people and activities the better. I was going to let her go as I always do but it just so happened that Sienna managed to work her way out of attending. In the past I would have been happy to have gotten out of the party but knowing how much it hurt her to not be able to go hurt me too. I couldn't believe that it was hard for me to say "no". Who was I becoming? I usually can deliver a no quicker than you can spell it. To make matters worse she kept asking me if she could go and offering to do extra chores. In my heart I wanted to give in so bad. The times I broke the rules that resulted in me being grounded came flooding to my mind. I knew exactly how she felt. However, it was important that I teach Sienna a lesson and if it meant her punishment was to miss the party then so be it. 

On my blog I am transparent about my life but my child didn't sign up to have her life on front street. It is with her permission that she has so graciously allowed me to post this most recent learning experience. I am blessed to have a child who understands that her life is a sermon for others. I want her to know that everyone gets into trouble sometimes and it's nothing to be ashamed of. She is not perfect but she's the perfect child for me. 

Has it ever hurt you to tell your child(ren) "no"? Even when it is justified that doesn't make it any easier sometimes. We as parents want our children to be happy but at the same time we must realize that it's not always realistic. Quite a number of us do not want to be the bad guy and want to always be admired by our children. News flash! Your children will love you more if you set boundaries and enforce the rules. How do I know? Because I'm a witness. I thank God each day for my moms (both of them) and my dad for sticking to their punishments. I wouldn't be who I am without them.