Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Mother's Pain

I found out today that someone I know lost their son. The look in her eyes was a look I've seen before. It was the look of a mother's pain...the same look my own mother had for years after my sister's unexpected death. I can't say that I have experienced the death of a child but I have seen first hand the toll it can take on a parent as my father himself has had to bury two sons as well. Yes you've read right. Between my parents three of their children have gone to be with The Lord.

As Christians it is supposed to give us a sense of comfort to know where our deceased loved ones are because the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord ( 2 Corinthians 5:8). However, there comes a point in time when words, even when it is The Word of God, should be few. I'm not saying God's Word isn't sufficient. I'm just saying there was absolutely nothing I could say. There was no scripture I could've quoted to bring  peace to this hurting mother and I didn't try. The last thing she needed to hear were clichés of "It's all a part of God's plan" and the like. From one mother to the next the best thing I could have offered her was my presence and to intercede for her through prayer.

I can honestly say that some days I take it for granted that my daughter and I will wake up the next day. I take it for granted that I will be tucking her in bed every night. When in all actuality that can change in an instant (Proverbs 27:1). After seeing the long lasting effects grief had on my parents I pray regularly for God to let Sienna bury me when I'm old and gray. However, if He sees fit to call her first I ask for the strength to endure it. My mother has always said there's no greater pain than losing a child. I want this blog post to be a reminder that our children do not belong to us. We as parents are just vessels through which they come. Our babies ultimately belong to God as we all do. They are given to us on loan.


  1. Wow! I cannot begin to imagine what that child’s parents must be experiencing.

    I agree with you that in situations similar to those there are no words to speak. Often our presence is all the other person needs or can endure at the time.

    I’ve definitely taken my tomorrow’s for granted expecting that I will see another day too.

    Like you stated, our lives are not our own.

    It even states in Job 14:5-7 that are days are numbered and there is a limit to how long we will be here. We’re like hired workers who God has put to work on the earth for a limited amount of time.

    Knowing that we must cherish and value our time, as well as use is wisely.

  2. Jay as always thank you for your love and support. You are one of my greatest inspirations and supporters along with Ces and Ro.

    I appreciate you sharing the scripture from Job as well. You can't have enough supporting scripture.

    As for the parent, she is hanging in there. It's going to be a long road but God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask think or imagine! She will come out on the other side. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Thanks bro. Much love!


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